Refunds policy and procedure

Version 1.6 | 07-05-24

The purpose of this policy and procedure is to explain the conditions under which we will refund fees and charges. We are committed to providing a clear, easy to understand, fair and transparent refund process for students.


This policy applies to all students.

There are further specific conditions applicable to overseas students on a Student Visa. These conditions meet our obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and the requirements of Standard 3 of the National Code.


Refunds policy

  1. This policy is available to prospective students prior to an enrolment being finalised and a Student Agreement being signed.
  2. We will not action a request for refund unless the student has completed and submitted the Refund Request Form (see below).
  3. A student may lodge a complaint against a refund decision made by us where the student can reasonably substantiate that our decisions have not been made in accordance with our policies and procedures.
  4. A written agreement with a student, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.
  5. Non-tuition fees are non-refundable.
  6. We are not liable for other external fees that a student has paid to a third-party for goods or services required for a course and therefore refunds of these fees cannot be sought through us in any form.
  7. We reserve the right to take legal action to recover any unpaid fees and to recover all costs of taking this action from the student.
  8. We may vary our refund procedures in favour of a student in consideration of special circumstances. Special circumstances are determined at the sole discretion of the RTO Manager and these determinations are not reviewable and cannot be appealed. As a general guide, the following circumstances may be considered:
    • a previously unknown serious illness or disability prevents a student from commencing or continuing their studies;
    • the death of a close family member of the student (parent, spouse or child, or sibling).

Refunds procedures

  1. A student requesting a refund must complete the Refund Request Form.
  2. Any documents supporting the form should be attached to the Refund Request Form. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
  3. The student is to hand-deliver the completed Refund Request Form to the RTO Manager or email it to within 1 business day of the date the student has signed and dated the form.
  4. The RTO Manager will notify the student of the refund decision within five (5) business days of receiving the request form, and send this notification to the email address specified on the submitted Refund Request Form.
  5. If the refund request is approved, the RTO Manager will arrange for payment within ten (10) business days of the refund being approved. Refunds will be deposited to the nominated bank account advised on the Refund Request Form. Refunds will be processed in Australian dollars.
  6. We will not be responsible for bank delays in processing any transfers, and a student applying for a refund should be aware that international transfers may not be received for some days after we have made the transfer.
  7. If the refund is not approved, the RTO Manager will notify the student of the decision and state that the student has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with our Complaints Policy and Appeals Procedure. This notification will be sent to the email address specified in the submitted Refund Request Form.

Refund Request Form

This form is: FORM Refund Request F007 and is available online in our Student Portal.


These procedures apply to all students, however additional procedures take precedence for:

  • domestic students using a VET Student Loan (VSL), and
  • overseas students on a Student Visa (see below).

Enrolled student withdraws four (4) or more weeks prior to the commencement date of the course

Pre-paid tuition fees are refunded in full, less an administration fee of $50.00 OR 0.5 % of full tuition fees for the course – whichever is the greater.

Enrolled student withdraws less than four (4) weeks prior to the commencement date of the course

Pre-paid tuition fees are refunded, less an administration fee of $100.00 OR 1% of full tuition fees for the course – whichever is the greater.

Enrolled student arrives late after the commencement date of their course

No refund is payable for missed tuition.

Student cancels enrolment on or after course commencement date

We charge a cancellation fee of 25% of tuition fees payable for the unused portion of the course, calculated from the date when the Refund Request Form is received by us.

Unused pre-paid tuition fees are refunded, less the cancellation fee (above).

If unused pre-paid tuition fees do not cover the cancellation fee (above) then the student will be charged for the deficit amount and this is payable in full within 14 days of when the Refund Request Form is received by us.

Course enrolment deferred by student

Deferred means to delay the commencement of a course. Prepaid fees are transferred to a new study period / intake as per a revised Student Agreement and/or Confirmation of Enrolment.

Course enrolment deferred by us

The student has option of transferring prepaid fees to new study period / intake, or pre-paid fees are refunded in full.

Course cancelled by us prior to the commencement of the course

Prepaid tuition fees are refunded in full.

Course cancelled by us after course commencement

Prepaid tuition fees are refunded on a pro-rata basis for the undelivered portion of the course.

We cancel a student enrolment after course commencement

Where the student has been excluded from study for:

  1. failure to pay an amount he or she is liable to pay;
  2. breaching our student Code of Conduct;
  3. breach of condition of his or her student visa (if they are an overseas student); and/or
  4. any other reason.

We charge a cancellation fee of 25% of tuition fees payable for the unused portion of the course, calculated from the date when the enrolment is cancelled.

Unused prepaid tuition fees are refunded, less the cancellation fee (above).

If unused pre-paid tuition fees do not cover the cancellation fee (above) then the student will be charged for the deficit amount and this is payable in full within 14 days from when the enrolment is cancelled.

Complaints about refunds

If a student applies for a refund and is not satisfied with the outcome, the student can commence an internal complaints process with us.


These conditions apply to domestic students using a VET Student Loan and are over-and-above the general refund procedures (above), where applicable, and take precedence.

Student withdraws or their enrolment is cancelled on or before the census date for a VSL study-period

Tuition fees are not charged for that VSL study-period and therefore no refund is relevant or applicable. There are no cancellation or administrative fees applicable.

Student withdraws or their enrolment is cancelled after the census date for a VSL study-period

Tuition fees are charged in full for that VSL study-period and are not refundable and cannot be recredited. Tuition fees cannot be transferred, used or claimed as credit by the student in any form – as per our withdrawal policy. There are no cancellation or administrative fees applicable.

Further assistance with complaints

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of an internal complaints process, the student maycontact the Commonwealth Ombudsman at The student may also seek assistance from the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) at


These conditions apply to overseas students studying in Australia on a Student Visa and are over-and-above the general refund procedures (above), where applicable, and take precedence.

This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.

A Student Visa is not granted or cancelled before the course commences

This applies if a student is enrolled by us and we have issued a Confirmation of Enrolment AND the student is subsequently not granted a Student Visa or their Student Visa is cancelled before the course commences. Pre-paid tuition fees are refunded to the student in full, less an administration fee of $200.00 AUD.

A student defaults on their enrolment or study

A student default occurs when any of the following events take place. The student acts or makes omissions that, directly or indirectly, result in the student:

  • being refused a Student Visa
  • not commencing the course on the first day of study without reasonable excuse, or not notifying us of their absence before the first day of study
  • commencing the course and their Student Visa is later cancelled 
  • withdrawing from the course
  • failing pay an amount he or she was liable to pay the provider in order to undertake the course
  • breaching a condition of their Student Visa
  • breaching our Student Code of Conduct.

Pre-paid tuition fees are refunded to the student on a weekly pro-rata basis for the period from when the student event occurs until the end of the period the tuition fees apply.

Student transfers to another provider after 6 months from the commencement date of their course.

Unused pre-paid tuition fees will be refunded to the student, less a cancellation fee equivalent to eight (8) weeks of course fees, calculated from the date of the transfer request.

If unused pre-paid tuition fees do not cover the cancellation fee (above) then the student will be charged for the deficit amount and this is payable in full within 14 days from the date their enrolment is cancelled.

We do not commence delivery of a course

If we do not deliver the specific course-intake the student has enrolled in for any reason (including provider default), we will:

  • advise the student of the circumstances in writing as soon as practicable; and
  • take reasonable actions to offer the student an alternative internally; or
  • if the actions above are not provided to the student, or the student is not satisfied with the alternative/s offered, we will fully refund the student for any prepaid fees paid.
We default and do not complete delivery of a course

If, due to our default, we do not complete the delivery of the course-intake a student has commenced study in, and we are unable to provide the student with an acceptable internal remedy, we will:

  • advise the student of the circumstances in writing as soon as practicable
  • arrange for the student to continue their study with another provider where possible, and
  • refund tuition fees on a weekly pro-rata basis from the date of our default.

Tuition Protection Scheme

Students also have relevant protections under the Commonwealth Government’s Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS). The TPS may assist students to either continue their studies through another course or different provider, or by being provided a refund or loan re-credit for education and training they paid for but did not receive. See 

Further assistance with complaints

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of an internal complaints process, the student may contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman at The student may also seek assistance from the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) at

Payment of refunds

Refunds for an overseas student are paid directly to the student via a bank account nominated by the student.

There are no other specified persons who may receive a refund in respect of the overseas student. As of the date of this document, we do not have arrangements with any education agents to which this clause may otherwise apply.

Calculation of refunds

Refunds are calculated as described above, and where applicable in accordance with any current legislative instrument for working out the amount of unspent tuition fees (this instrument is to take precedence).