About The Company
About the company
A proud history in Tasmania
Par Avion Flight Training is a division of Par Avion (Airlines of Tasmania Pty Ltd) – Tasmania’s largest aviation company.
Founded over 40 years ago, Par Avion is Tasmania’s premier aviation business, with well-established airline, charter, scenic tour and flight school operations. We carry passengers, tourists, bushwalkers, freight and students to all points of Tasmania and beyond in a fleet of over 20 modern aircraft.
We own and operate Cambridge Aerodrome, Hobart’s general aviation airport.
The image (opposite) is an aerial view of Cambridge Aerodrome from the 1940’s.

Our Operations
We operate a diverse range of services to the general public and the aviation community:
- Flying Training – we are certified by CASA as a Part 141 an Part 142 Flight School, with extensive licences, ratings, endorsements and flight testing
- Registered Training Organisation providing nationally recognised vocational training to domestic and overseas students
- Regular Public Transport (RPT) in Australia
- Tourist charter flights into the remote Southwest National Park of Tasmania
- Wilderness camp operator on the shores of Bathurst Harbour, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
- Aircraft charter and aerial work operations throughout Tasmania
- Simulators for pilot training and hire by the public
- Aircraft engineering – we have both CAR30 and CASR Part 145 maintenance approvals, and our aircraft are serviced in accordance with CASA Standards
- Cambridge Aerodrome, which is open to the public and used private pilots and other general aviation businesses
Our fleet
We use a diverse fleet of aircraft that are well equipped and have advanced avionics for ab-initio/navigation training. A fleet of larger aircraft provide students valuable experience in aeroplanes operated commercially throughout Australia. This experience can mean the difference when a student applies for their first flying job.
We also operate a fleet of tourist boats to take guests on our famous southwest tourism and wilderness camp experiences.

A week in the life of a Par Avion pilot
Play the video to find out more …

Company information
Par Avion Flight Training is a division of Airlines of Tasmania Pty. Ltd.
Our vision
We aspire to be a premier training organisation, known and recognised nationally and internationally for excellence in aviation training.
Our mission
We are going to:
- develop into a self-sustaining, profitable business with multiple income streams;
- deliver high quality training that is recognised in the training/education field; and
- be widely known as a training organisation of choice in the aviation industry.
Our values
We conduct ourselves with a strong commitment to:
- integrity through being consistently honest, transparent and accountable for our actions;
- the professionalism of our students and staff;
- building quality and excellence through evaluation, feedback and continuous improvement;
- being learner-focussed in everything we provide and do;
- being innovative and efficient in how we do things;
- safety as our top priority in everything we do; and
- a fair and just culture for our students and staff.
Website design and photography by clickedbynic photography