English language proficiency for aviation students

Version 1.0 | 03/04/2024

This information applies to all domestic and overseas applicants in aviation courses.

General English Language Proficiency (GELP) for aviation

Students enrolling in courses that include the attainment of aviation licences must also demonstrate their proficiency in general English prior to the commencement of the course. This assessment will be undertaken by our staff during the interview as part of the selection process.

For further information see https://www.casa.gov.au/licences-and-certificates/english-language-standards-flight-crew/general-english-language-proficiency#WhoneedsaGELPassessment

Aviation English Language Proficiency (AELP) for aviation

Students enrolling in courses that include the attainment of aviation licences must also demonstrate their proficiency in Aviation English Language Proficiency prior to the issue of a licence to at least a level 4, 5, or 6. This is not the same rating or assessment as IELTS; it is aviation-specific. Par Avion Flight Training have assessors on staff who can conduct assessments at Level 6 only. Assessments at other levels will need to be undertaken by a specialist assessor, and will incur additional costs charged by that third-party provider.

For further information see https://www.casa.gov.au/licences-and-certificates/english-language-standards-flight-crew/aviation-english-language-proficiency#RequirementstoholdanAELP