Version 1.4 | 10/08/2023
This information applies to students undertaking Tertiary Courses or Industry Courses in aviation.
You must pass an aviation medical examination before you can commence or continue in certain courses. You are responsible for organising the examination and paying relevant fees. The fees are payable directly to the medical examiner and are not refundable by us in any circumstance.
Aviation medicals are conducted by Designated Aviation Medical Examiners (DAMEs). It can take a number of months to get an appointment with a DAME, have your examination and receive your results, so we recommend you book your appointment as early as possible.
See Flight crew medical requirements [CASA] for further information and details of DAMEs in your area.
Overseas students
The medical examination can be undertaken after your arrival in Australia, however, it is preferable that this be undertaken in your home country well before you leave your country. DAMEs are available in many countries – see CASA approved overseas medical examiners [CASA].
Further options for local students
If you are in Tasmania, we have a visiting DAME – Dr David Fitzgerald – who provides medical examinations onsite at Par Avion from time-to-time. Please contact him at to arrange an appointment.
Dr Michael Tooth is a DAME in Hobart at City Doctors – call 03 6231 3003.
Class 1 Medicals – important note
If you are required to attain a Class 1 Medical to enter your course, it is particularly important that you attain this as early as possible before the course commences. It is not in your best interests to commence training for a licence or rating where the Class 1 Medical is required, only to discover during the course that you cannot attain the medical.
We understand there are delays at times with CASA processing and follow-up medical appointments/tests. Please be assertive with doctor/s and with CASA to ensure you receive your Class 1 Medical in time. We recommend you inform them of your deadline and the need to expedite all aspects of attaining your medical.
Class 2 medicals – interim solution for Diploma-CPL and CPL course enrolments
If you are not be able to obtain a Class 1 medical in time for your course (eg where you apply for a course less than six weeks before the course commences, or where there are delays in processing your medical), an interim option is to obtain a Class 2 medical certificate . This is sufficient for the first part of your course until you receive your Class 1 Medical certificate .
Note: if you take this option, you must also fully accept the risk of not attaining a Class 1 medical certificate at a later date and the effect this will have on your enrolment.
Class 2 Medicals are assessed by a DAME. Some DAMEs issue Class 2 medical certificates ‘on the spot’, but conditions apply.