Version 1.1 | 11/07/2017
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), we are responsible for ensuring the quality of all training and assessment complies with the Standards for RTOs 2015. This includes informing you of changes to legislative and regulatory requirements during the course of your enrolment.
We are also responsible for the issuance of the certification documentation under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Where there are changes to any service which we agree upon, we will advise you as soon as possible. This may include information relating to any new third party arrangements we may set-up, or a change in ownership, or changes to existing third party arrangements.
In the event that our organisation ceases to operate, or is no longer able to provide the agreed service, we will assist you to find another RTO that can deliver the same or similar service.
We have policies and procedures in place that maintain high professional standards in the delivery of their training and assessment services. We ensure that training is:
- wherever possible, flexible and tailored to suit the individual needs of the student – some qualifications provide you with a choice in the selection of elective units;
- conducted by staff who are competent, and meet the requirements articulated in the relevant endorsed training package or course curriculum.
- conducted in accordance with all relevant commonwealth and state legislative and regulatory requirements.