Version 2.1 | 26/11/2018
We offer courses that are flexible and tailored to suit the individual needs of their students. In some circumstances, we may need to specify a minimum and / or maximum number of participants in a particular course. This requirement ensures the:
- course is economically viable (minimum); and
- the same quality of service is afforded to all participants (maximum).
We reserve the right to decline an application for enrolment if it is deemed that:
- there are insufficient numbers to run a program / course;
- the maximum number of participants in a program / course will be exceeded;
- a program / course has already commenced and the additional student could not be adequately supported;
- the applicant:
- does not meet course entry requirements;
- does not successfully complete entry-selection processes (relevant to some courses);
- does not meet conditions of enrolment stated in a Student Agreement; or
- is unlikely to be able to meet the assessment requirements.
If we decline / reject an application, our decision is final and the decision is not reviewable.
Course entry requirements
Essential entry requirements are specified on the web page for each course (see the ‘courses’ menu on our website). Entry requirements are requested and checked at various stages of the application and enrolment process.
VET Student Loans eligibility requirements
There are further eligibility requirements for applicants who apply for a course and select VET Student Loans as their payment option.