Which training path? – Par Avion Flight Training

Par Avion Flight Training

Which training path?

Which training pathway is right for you?

If you are interested in flight training and wondering where to start, our handy flowchart (see below) shows the paths you can take to achieve your flying ambitions. 

Whether you are after a new hobby or a career in aviation, there is a path for you. 

There are multiple ways to get to your end goal, and you can always change your path along the way.

Click on the blue ‘?’ question-icons below to see more information.

Recreational Pilot Licence

A Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) gives you the qualifications to fly a light aeroplane by yourself or with a limited number of friends or family, in the local area around Hobart.
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Private Pilot Licence

A Private Pilot Licence (PPL) gives you more freedoms and qualifies you to fly a light aeroplane by yourself or with friends and family, anywhere around Australia. This is ideal if you wish to fly for leisure and sightseeing purposes
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Commercial Pilot Licence

A Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) gives you the additional experience and qualifications to seek initial employment as a pilot.
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AVI50222 Diploma of Aviation - Commercial Pilot Licence

This is an intensive full-time or part-time course designed to get your career in aviation kick-started. You will achieve the qualifications, skills and knowledge to make you ready to seek initial employment. VET student loans for this course are available.
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AVI50419 Diploma of Aviation - Flight Instructor

This is a specialised course for commercial pilots to take their career further, with nationally recognised flight instructor qualifications. VET student loans for this course are available.
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AVI50519 Diploma of Aviation - Instrument Rating

This is a specialised course for commercial pilots who wish to take their career to the next level, with qualifications to operate under the Instrument Flight Rules. VET student loans for this course are available.
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Choose your path ...

Find out about further study pathways with the University of Tasmania – course articulation and study credit available. Read more…

Why study here?

Find out why Par Avion Flight Training is recognised as a premium flight school and the unique benefits we offer.

Take the next step

… it’s quick, easy and our online system will guide you through the steps.

Please contact us if you have any  questions.

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